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Graduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology

At Lincoln University

New Zealand


(Graduate) Diploma level 7


1 Year(s)


19 February 2025

Expand your knowledge of the wine industry, from the perspective of New Zealand’s globally respected expertise and achievements. Lincoln University has a close relationship with the New Zealand grape-growing and wine production industry. This includes hosting research programmes that led directly to the establishment of South Island regions as viable areas for cool-climate viticulture and wine-making.

Lincoln’s Graduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology will see you growing your own grapes and making your own wine. You’ll cultivate your wine tasting and analysis skills, understand New Zealand’s unique wine styles, and get to grips with our innovative, sustainable wine-making practices.

The programme also explores the importance of integrating grape growing with wine-making, as well as site selection and development, plant material and vine management, grape processing, fermentation and wine finishing.

Course fees are indicative and should be used as a guide. Speak to a counsellor to get an accurate price.

  • Duration: 1 Year(s)
  • Fees: Not available
Intake Location
Semester 1 (February), 2025 Lincoln
Semester 1 (February), 2026 Lincoln

Application deadline:

This date isn’t available – speak to an IDP counsellor to get detailed information.

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