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Bachelor of Science in Information Systems- Health Systems

At California State University - Northridge

United States


Bachelor Degree


8 Semester(s)


19 August 2024



The study of Information Systems (IS) centers on the effective use of information technology—computers and telecommunications networks—to support management decision making and corporate strategy, in addition to providing all necessary operational level support for an organization. The Department of Systems and Operations Management offers the following academic programs: the M.S. in Business Analytics, the B.S. in Business Administration with options in Business Analytics, Global Supply Chain Management, and Systems and Operations Management, as well as the B.S. in Information Systems. The department also offers three minors: a Minor in Business Analytics, a Minor in Information Systems and a Minor in Quality Management and Assurance. The programs focus on developing skills for problem-solving, critical thinking, communication and the effective use of constantly changing information technology and systems. These skills are needed to deal with a variety of decisions made by managers in manufacturing, service and public organizations. The department faculty are committed to excellence in teaching and research and are actively involved in the University and community service.

Course fees are indicative and should be used as a guide. Speak to a counsellor to get an accurate price.

  • Duration: 8 Semester(s)
  • Fees: Not available
Intake Location
Fall (August), 2024 Northridge
Spring (January), 2025 Northridge
Fall (August), 2025 Northridge
Spring (January), 2026 Northridge

Entry requirements for California State University - Northridge

You will be considered for admission to CSUN if you meet the following requirements: You have earned a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 grading scale,
or an average of B grades on an A - F letter grading scale. (CSUN will convert your international GPA when you apply for admission.)
All OFFICIAL secondary-school records including certificates, examination grades, degrees or diplomas in original language of issue. Your records must include official verification of high school completion.
IELTS: 6, TOEFL: ? Internet Based score: 61 , ? Paper-based score: 500

English language requirements

TOEFL Internet based overall score: 61.0

Application deadline:

This date isn’t available – speak to an IDP counsellor to get detailed information.

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