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BA (Hons) Conservation Biology and English Literature

At Liverpool Hope University

United Kingdom


Bachelor Degree with Honours


GB£37,500  (2024)


3 Year(s)


14 October 2024



Conservation biology is concerned with the protection and management of nature and the Earth’s biodiversity. It involves an evaluation of human and other factors that affect all living organisms with the aim of protecting and conserving species, their habitats and ecosystems. It is an interdisciplinary subject that draws on natural sciences to devise satisfactory processes and approaches by which to sustain and protect plant and animal biodiversity in the UK and abroad. This course mainly focuses on conservation in terrestrial environments. It develops knowledge of key areas such as the principles and practices of ecology, habitat management, nature conservation and the functioning of natural systems, particularly with regard to different points of view including scientific, ethical and philosophical perspectives. Opportunities are provided to apply knowledge and understanding of conservation biology during field courses within the UK and abroad giving first-hand experience of a range of ecosystems.
A Placement Year option is available for this course. Undertaking a placement year as part of your degree programme offers you the opportunity to gain valuable work experience alongside your studies.
Study English Literature at Liverpool Hope University and you will explore a wide range of literature as well as the history, ideas, people and places that shape it and are shaped by it. Throughout our course, we emphasise how literary texts address and influence the most important issues facing society today. We place an emphasis on sustainability and the environment, on work and employability, on travel and global perspectives, and on health, happiness and well-being. Key features of our course include a focus on publishing and the digital humanities, the exploration of the relationship between literature and the natural world, working with rare books and manuscripts from our library’s large Special Collections and Archives, and also going on a range of field trips. During your three years of study, you will gain a sound grasp of the contexts and approaches within which English literature can be studied, as well as gaining a sense of developments across periods of English literature. You also develop a critical appreciation of the ways in which knowledge of other disciplines and their relationships to English literature can contribute to a deeper understanding of literary texts.
The academic staff teaching the degree have research expertise in a broad range of fields, from late medieval to contemporary literature. We pride ourselves on offering a challenging and stimulating degree, and our commitment to small group teaching allows us to help each individual student to develop sophisticated analytical and communication skills through working both independently and in groups. We not only strive to support you in the pursuit of academic excellence but also help you to explore your wide range of options after university through a focus on the diverse skills you will develop and the many sectors that will welcome you as an English Literature graduate.

Course fees are indicative and should be used as a guide. Speak to a counsellor to get an accurate price.

  • Duration: 3 Year(s)
  • Fees: GB£37,500
Intake Location
October, 2024 Liverpool
October, 2025 Liverpool

Entry requirements for Liverpool Hope University

A-Levels - BBC
UCAS Tariff Points - 112 UCAS Tariff points must come from a minimum of two A Levels (or equivalent). Additional points can be made up from a range of alternative qualifications
Access to HE - 112 Tariff Points
IB - 28
Irish Leaving Certificate - 112 Tariff Points from Higher Level qualifications only
Welsh Baccalaureate - This qualification can only be accepted in conjunction with other relevant qualifications
T-Levels - 120 Tariff Points / Merit
Subject Requirements - No specific subject requirement

IELTS - 6.0 overall (with reading and writing at 6.0) and no individual score lower than 5.5.
TOEFL iBT - 80 overall (with Listening 17, Reading 18, Speaking 20, Writing 17)

English language requirements

TOEFL Internet based overall score: 80.0

Application deadline:

This date isn’t available – speak to an IDP counsellor to get detailed information.

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