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Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering - Enterprise

At Michigan Technological University

United States


Bachelor Degree


8 Semester(s)


26 August 2024



Pursue an Enterprise concentration as part of your degree by taking part in Michigan Tech's award-winning Enterprise Program. It's a great way to enhance your undergraduate degree with client-based teamwork. Enterprise is when students work in teams on real projects, with real clients, in an environment that's more like a business than a classroom. Choose any one of 20-plus Enterprise teams on campus to invent products, provide services, and pioneer solutions. Apply the skills learned in your major and gain some valuable new skills. Tackle real-world design projects for industry sponsors or take part in a national competition (or both). This concentration adds courses in business and entrepreneurship.

As an electrical engineering student, take advantage of some of the best opportunities in the nation for laboratory-based learning, real-world design, and engineering entrepreneurship.

Course fees are indicative and should be used as a guide. Speak to a counsellor to get an accurate price.

  • Duration: 8 Semester(s)
  • Fees: Not available
Intake Location
Fall (August), 2024 Houghton
Spring (January), 2025 Houghton
Fall (August), 2025 Houghton
Spring (January), 2026 Houghton

Entry requirements for Michigan Technological University

Mail official secondary school transcripts or attested marks sheets (include last three years minimum). Personal Statement. Letters of Recommendation. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): minimum 550 PBT, 79 iBT (paper-based, internet-based). International English Language Testing System (IELTS): minimum 6.5 overall band score (minimum 6.0 on speaking and writing portion). SAT 1: minimum 510 evidence-based reading and writing.

English language requirements

TOEFL Internet based overall score: 79.0

Application deadline:

This date isn’t available – speak to an IDP counsellor to get detailed information.

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