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Southampton Business School Future Leader MBA Scholarship

At University of Southampton

United Kingdom



Funding type

Fee waiver/discount


Contact the university

Value of award:

12000 GBP

Awarding institution:

University of Southampton



Value of award:

12000 GBP info Funding details £12,000 are available to students studying for the Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Average applications per year:

Not specified

Number of awards available:


Type of funding:

Fee waiver/discount

Eligible Intake:

contact the university

Study mode:

Not specified

Delivery mode:

Not specified

Course/offer application deadline:

contact the university

Award allocation:

All eligible

Award can be used for:

Tuition fees

Nationality requirement:

All international students

Other aspects considered:

Mature students

Gender requirement:

Applicable to all genders

Course subject you are applying for:

International Business

Selection basis:

contact the university

Selection criteria: contact the university

Application requirement details:

This is a competitive process and not all applicants will be successful.

To compete for the scholarship, applicants must interview and submit a 500-word statement on why they should receive it.

The scholarship will be awarded based on the applicant's statement, their MBA application and their interview. Their business excellence will be assessed using the following criteria:

a high degree of relevant professional experience in management and/or leadership

evidence of rapid career progression

clear ability to contribute to the quality of the MBA cohort

strong academic ability and performance

The scholarship award is made at the discretion of the Business School. Their decisions are final.

Successful applicants will be contacted in writing on or before 30 June 2024. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified shortly after that date.

Study level you are applying for: Postgraduate

These scholarships of £12,000 are available to students studying for the Master of Business Administration (MBA).

One scholarship is available for a student from each of the following regions:

South East Asia

The Middle East and North Africa

Central and Latin America

North America



We will only consider applicants who have an offer to study at University of Southampton.

You must:

have been ordinarily resident in either South East Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Central America, Latin America, North America or Europe during the 3 years before the start of the course (ignoring time spent while studying outside your usual country of residence)

show promise as a future leader by demonstrating business excellence

have a conditional or unconditional offer to study on the Master of Business Administration (MBA)

be paying your own fees

need to pay the overseas tuition fee

not be getting any external sponsorship

All MBA offer holders who are eligible for this scholarship will be invited to submit a 500-word statement on why they should receive the scholarship.

This scholarship was updated on 29-MAY-24 and the information was correct at this time. However, please check with an IDP counsellor or the organisation to get real-time information.

Award Deadline:

Contact the university

Application process:

Separate application required

For more information on this funding award you can visit the institution scholarship page

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