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Sports Scholarships

At University of Hertfordshire

United Kingdom



Funding type

Fee waiver/discount


Contact the university

Value of award:

Not specified

Awarding institution:

University of Hertfordshire


Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate

Value of award:

Not specified info Funding details Financial Sport Scholarship Award (these expense payments contribute towards training, competition and living costs).

Average applications per year:

Not specified

Number of awards available:

Not specified

Type of funding:

Fee waiver/discount

Eligible Intake:

Sep - 2024

Study mode:

Not specified

Delivery mode:

Not specified

Course/offer application deadline:

contact the university

Award allocation:


Award can be used for:

Cost of living

Tuition fees

Nationality requirement:

All international students

Other aspects considered:


Gender requirement:

Applicable to all genders

Course subject you are applying for:

Not subject specific

Selection basis:

Sports excellence

Selection criteria: contact the university

Application requirement details: contact the university

Study level you are applying for: Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate

The University of Hertfordshire has an excellent Sport Scholarship Scheme created to provide support for talented athletes studying at the University. Each application is considered individually, and awards will vary between athletes with priority being given to BUCS sports.

Awards can include a range of support services and benefits for student-athletes:

gym membership at The Sport Village and The Oval campus gyms
strength and conditioning from industry leading coaches at Performance Herts
athlete education workshops covering topics such as nutrition, sport psychology, anti-doping, etc
BUCS competition expenses
University of Hertfordshire branded teamwear
academic flexibility for dual-career athletes (around national training camps and competition)
lifestyle support from a TALS qualified practitioner to help with an athlete's development and ability to balance sport alongside degree studies
financial Sport Scholarship Award (these expense payments contribute towards training, competition and living costs).

Awarded to: athletes representing their sport at a regional or national level or who have achieved a high level of recognition in their sport can be considered for a the Sport Scholarship Scheme.

Each application is considered individually, and awards will vary between athletes with priority being given to BUCS sports.

This scholarship was updated on 04-MAY-24 and the information was correct at this time. However, please check with an IDP counsellor or the organisation to get real-time information.

Award Deadline:

Contact the university

Application process:

Separate application required

For more information on this funding award you can visit the institution scholarship page

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