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B G Wybourne Scholarship in Physics or Astronomy (Postgrad)

At University of Canterbury




Funding type

Other Discount


Contact the university

Value of award:

Not specified

Awarding institution:

University of Canterbury


Doctorate, Postgraduate

Value of award:

Not specified info Funding details Please contact the provider

Average applications per year:

Not specified

Number of awards available:


Type of funding:

Other Discount

Eligible Intake:

contact the university

Study mode:

Full Time

Delivery mode:

Not specified

Course/offer application deadline:

contact the university

Award allocation:

All eligible

Award can be used for:

Tuition fees

Nationality requirement:

All international students

Other aspects considered:

Mature students

Gender requirement:

Applicable to all genders

Course subject you are applying for:


General Physics

Selection basis:

contact the university

Selection criteria: contact the university

Application requirement details: contact the university

Study level you are applying for: Doctorate, Postgraduate

The scholarship may be awarded to the top ranked applicant in any one year of those who applied for, but were not successful in obtaining, a University of Canterbury Master's or Doctoral Scholarship (or award of higher or equivalent value to these).

Tenure: One year.

Value/Benefits: The value of the scholarship shall be determined each year, according to the money available to be disbursed from the trust account in accordance with University policy.

Special Eligibility Requirements: The scholarship may be awarded by the University Council on the recommendation of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, to the top ranked applicant in any one year of those who applied for, but were not successful in obtaining, a University of Canterbury Master's or Doctoral Scholarship (or award of higher or equivalent value to these).

Application not required

This scholarship was updated on 22-MAY-24 and the information was correct at this time. However, please check with an IDP counsellor or the organisation to get real-time information.

Award Deadline:

Contact the university

Application process:

Separate application required

For more information on this funding award you can visit the institution scholarship page

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