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ACG Senior College

Flag_NZ icon New Zealand
International students

Average cost of living in Newzealand

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ACG Senior College, established in 1995, is a specialist pre-university college for Years 11 – 13. Located in the vibrant heart of the inner-city, ACG Senior College offers a unique learning environment which is constantly evolving, where students flourish and prosper. As one of the most respected schools in New Zealand, its students are empowered to be self-motivated and independent and Its teachers are amongst the best in their subject fields and deliver strong learning outcomes and opportunities.

The schools’ unique tutor system gives students personalized support, appointing a nominated tutor to help work through issues and keep in touch with parents to monitor progress. Extended class periods of 80 minutes, small classes and a longer school day, facilitate sustained learning that’s dynamic and highly effective. The school encourages and supports participation in sports and a diverse range of extra-curricular activities led by its student leaders, and also its reputation for music and performing and visual arts is widespread. ACG Senior College offers a holistic, bespoke approach to learning that supports and extends the unique abilities of each student.

While students are encouraged to excel academically, immeasurable learning opportunities also lie outside the classroom, and students are urged to participate in sporting, technology, business, arts and leadership activities. Extra-curricular activities enrich learning and broaden horizons, enabling students to make new friends, learn the value of teamwork, hone leadership skills, and contribute to their communities. From participating in sports and drama, to collecting for charity or writing for the student magazine, the opportunities for involvement are diverse and the rewards are infinite. Also an inclusive environment and excellent pastoral care helps its students thrive. Located in the heart of Auckland, ACG Senior College is the perfect prelude to university life and is in close proximity to the Auckland Museum, Aotea Square, the Town Hall, Q-Theatre, art galleries, libraries and more.
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IELTS is accepted at ACG Senior College

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