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Holmes Education Group (Ireland)

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Average cost of living in Ireland

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Holmes Institute Dublin is a pioneer in dynamic business education that gets graduates results. Over 30 years of experience delivering education excellence have taught us what students need to succeed. Interactive classes, expert educators and a strong community culminate in a learning experience that is second to none.

Holmes Institute Dublin was launched in September, 2022. Holmes Institute Dublin is a quality provider of modern business education, with a focus on both domestic and international students. Through the dedicated pursuit of best practice teaching and the provision of a dynamic, student-centred learning environment Holmes Institute Dublin fosters in its students rational thought, intellectual integrity and social responsibility.

Holmes Institute Dublin offer academic programmes which are designed to deliver the critical skill set graduates will need now and, in the decades ahead: communication, creativity, problem solving, collaboration, agility, resilience and critical thinking to help produce the innovators, policy makers, advocates, creators, communicators, reformers and leaders of the future in a dynamic and modern business environment. We are focused on preparing our learners for a rapidly changing, and increasingly technological world of work and are committed to their future leadership.

Enriched by way of an internationalized and industry informed curriculum and exposed to a contemporary and authentic learning experience. Whilst at the institute the learners will also develop greater personal insight, an intercultural awareness and realize their wider social responsibilities including ethical and sustainable business practices.
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Total average cost: €1747

  • €696
  • €650
  • €101
    Daily life
  • €300
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Specific entry requirements vary depending on the subject area, level and course. You can view all courses from Holmes Education Group (Ireland) to filter on courses to understand what requirements they have.

IELTS is accepted at Holmes Education Group (Ireland)

Here are some useful links to take your research further. Our expert counsellors are also available to give you free and impartial advice on your study abroad options.

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