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BA (Hons) Childhood and Youth and Music

在Liverpool Hope University

United Kingdom




GB£37,500  (2024)


3 Year(s)


14 October 2024



Childhood & Youth is an exciting, multidisciplinary subject in which you will explore a range of issues and challenges faced by children and young people in contemporary society, both here in the UK and on a global level. Drawing on key ideas from sociology, politics, history, social policy and cultural studies, the degree examines important questions about children and young people and the social contexts in which they live.
Topics studied include: how children and young people’s place in society has changed over time, how social class, poverty, gender, ethnicity, disability, social policy and so on impact children and young people’s lives, the role of risk and risk-taking in children and young people’s everyday lives and, how children and young people make sense of and help to shape their social worlds. In exploring such issues you will also look at various political debates and policy initiatives, as well as learning about various ways of researching with children and young people that aim to help them overcome the many challenges that they face.
With its strong emphasis on social justice and welfare, the degree will enable you to develop as critical social scientists who value their role within the academic community at Hope and who, as graduates, will be able to use their skills and knowledge to the benefit of their local community and society more broadly.
As a world-renowned city of music - with active and increasingly growing popular, classical, jazz, electronic and experimental music scenes - Liverpool is an ideal location for pursuing the creative practice and study of music. The BA Music Programme at Liverpool Hope will offer you the opportunity to explore the many facets of performing, composing, producing, and intellectually engaging with music across a broad range of topics and genres, including popular, classical, jazz, electronic, and world music traditions.
Our Music programme is part of our School of Creative and Performing Arts, based at the Creative Campus, and housed in the purpose-built Capstone building. The School is one of only a handful of All-Steinway Music Schools in the UK and, in addition to a Steinway Model D in the Capstone Theatre, we also have a number of sound-proofed bespoke music recording, rehearsal and practice spaces. There is also a good stock of musical instruments and outboard technology to cater across all musical genres.
Our students have had opportunities to gain professional experience with a variety of professional organisations, including Liverpool Sound City, Immix Ensemble, Parr Street Studios, Sentric Music, Ditto Music, The Vocal Booth studio, Melodic Distraction (radio station), and The Beatles Experience, among others.
We continually establish connections within the wider industry and our programme regularly hosts music industry professionals, who provide real-world knowledge through their guest lectures. Join our dynamic creative community of music production to facilitate the next steps in your creative and professional journey.


  • 課程總長: 3 Year(s)
  • 費用: GB£37,500
In學年take 位置
October, 2024 Liverpool
October, 2024 Liverpool
October, 2025 Liverpool
October, 2025 Liverpool

Entry requirements for Liverpool Hope University

A-Levels - BBC
UCAS Tariff Points - 112 UCAS Tariff points must come from a minimum of two A Levels (or equivalent). Additional points can be made up from a range of alternative qualifications
Access to HE - 112 Tariff Points
IB - 28
Irish Leaving Certificate - 112 Tariff Points from Higher Level qualifications only
Welsh Baccalaureate - This qualification can only be accepted in conjunction with other relevant qualifications
T-Levels - 120 Tariff Points / Merit
Subject Requirements - No specific subject requirement

IELTS - 6.0 overall (with reading and writing at 6.0) and no individual score lower than 5.5.
TOEFL iBT - 80 overall (with Listening 17, Reading 18, Speaking 20, Writing 17)

English language requirements

托福(TOEFL iBT)總分: 80.0




  • 職業發展
  • If you aren’t eligible for the above entry requirements, you might want to explore pathway options at Liverpool Hope University. If you want to find out more, please speak to our counsellors.




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