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BA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture and Music Production

在Liverpool Hope University

United Kingdom




GB£37,500  (2024)


3 Year(s)


14 October 2024



If you want an exciting career in the creative industries, but also want to understand the role that Film and Visual Culture plays in wider society, studying at Liverpool Hope is the right choice for you. Film and Visual Culture is an intellectually stimulating degree that combines practice and theory, giving you the opportunity to both create and analyse a range of cultural texts - from fiction film and documentary, to photography and animation.
This degree is underpinned by creative and critical practice. It is creative because it gives you the opportunity to develop practical skills in the fields of screenwriting, filmmaking (drama and documentary), photography and animation. It is critical because it involves the in-depth study of film history and theory, including the way in which cinema intersects with a range of social and political issues. You will graduate with a degree underpinned by academic rigour, but with the transferable skills needed to pursue a wide variety of careers in the creative industries.
The degree is taught by leading international scholars and practitioners and you will also benefit from access to outstanding library resources and an extensive range of practical equipment and studio space. Extra curricula activities support the curriculum by widening critical and creative horizons. Recent activities on the degree include fieldtrips to the National Science and Media Museum, Tate Britain, and the Manchester Animation Festival. We also have regular group visits to local film screenings.
Liverpool is a vibrant city, tapping into the momentum and energy of a diverse creative scene, which stems from a long history as an international port city known for its music. Our course adopts a creative approach to music production that considers equipment to be a means to artistic ends, an aspect of modern musicianship that is essential for any self-sufficient practitioner. Music Production gives you the opportunity to explore the creative, technical, and theoretical aspects of one of the most rapidly changing creative landscapes. The course will expose you to aspects of the music business and industry, as well as its many historical and theoretical concepts. It provides you the opportunity to develop lasting, transferable skill sets that empower you to develop a resilient and sustainable approach to your future practice.
Our students have had the opportunity to gain professional experience with a variety of professional organisations, including Liverpool Sound City, Immix Ensemble, Parr Street Studios, Sentric Music, Ditto Music, The Vocal Booth studio, Melodic Distraction (radio station), and The Beatles Experience, among others.
We continually establish connections within the wider industry and our programme regularly hosts music industry professionals, who provide real-world knowledge through their guest lectures. Join our dynamic creative community of music production to facilitate the next steps in your creative and professional journey.


  • 課程總長: 3 Year(s)
  • 費用: GB£37,500
In學年take 位置
October, 2024 Liverpool
October, 2025 Liverpool

Entry requirements for Liverpool Hope University

A-Levels - BBC
UCAS Tariff Points - 112 UCAS Tariff points must come from a minimum of two A Levels (or equivalent). Additional points can be made up from a range of alternative qualifications
Access to HE - 112 Tariff Points
IB - 28
Irish Leaving Certificate - 112 Tariff Points from Higher Level qualifications only
Welsh Baccalaureate - This qualification can only be accepted in conjunction with other relevant qualifications
T-Levels - 120 Tariff Points / Merit
Subject Requirements - No specific subject requirement

IELTS - 6.0 overall (with reading and writing at 6.0) and no individual score lower than 5.5.
TOEFL iBT - 80 overall (with Listening 17, Reading 18, Speaking 20, Writing 17)

English language requirements

托福(TOEFL iBT)總分: 80.0




  • 職業發展
  • If you aren’t eligible for the above entry requirements, you might want to explore pathway options at Liverpool Hope University. If you want to find out more, please speak to our counsellors.




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