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BA (Hons) Film Studies and History


United Kingdom




GB£76,500  (2024)


3 Year(s)


23 September 2024



The Joint Honours in Film Studies provides you with a thorough grounding in film history and key theoretical approaches to studying film as well as the opportunity to develop specialist areas of interest alongside your History studies. Film Studies You will expand your experience of film through taught units and screenings that focus on both classical and contemporary films, covering a wide range of film cultures from around the world. You will study mainstream and non-mainstream films in order to broaden your understanding of the history of film, as well as the debates and issues that are informing and generated by current practice in film and shaping its future. As you enhance your skills of close analysis, you will also develop an understanding of how film engages with socio-cultural and political concerns, placing the films you study in their historical context as well as thinking about current debates and future challenges for cinema as a medium. The course emphasises historical and theoretical approaches to studying film rather than practical production. History We offer one of the most diverse history courses in the UK, with our course units covering almost all of human history, including British, European, American, Asian and African history, and ranging from the classical era (Greece and Rome), through the medieval and modern periods, to the late 20th century. We offer a wide variety of approaches to history, from political and economic history, to gender, social, cultural, and colonial history. You will benefit from studying in the historically rich city of Manchester, itself is a living history book - from Peterloo to the anti-slavery movement, and from Roman and Anglo-Saxon forts to medieval monuments. You can draw on the abundant library, archive and museum holdings of the local area, including Chetham's Library, The Museum of Science and Industry, The People's History Museum and the Working Class Movement Library.


  • 課程總長: 3 Year(s)
  • 費用: GB£76,500
In學年take 位置
Semester 1 (September), 2024 Manchester
Semester (September), 2025 Manchester

Entry requirements for 曼徹斯特大學

AAB including A in History.Applicants must demonstrate a broad general education including acceptable levels of Literacy and Numeracy, equivalent to at least Grade C or 4 in GCSE/iGCSE English Language and Mathematics. GCSE/iGCSE English Literature will not be accepted in lieu of GCSE/iGCSE English Language.

International Baccalaureate
35 points overall. 6,6,5 in Higher Level subjects (including 6 in History).

IELTS 7.0.TOEFL (Internet Based Test): overall score of 100

English language requirements

托福(TOEFL iBT)總分: 100.0




  • 職業發展
  • If you aren’t eligible for the above entry requirements, you might want to explore pathway options at 曼徹斯特大學. If you want to find out more, please speak to our counsellors.




event image 0 6/5 SOP│申請文件大解析
Flag_AU icon AU Flag_GB icon GB Flag_IE icon IE 線上活動 Banqiao,Hsinchu,Kaohsiung,Taichung,Tainan,Taipei,Taoyuan, Taiwan 5th Jun 2024 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM 更多資訊
event image 1 6/7【主題講座】留學國家怎麼選?澳、英、美、加、紐、愛六大留學熱點解析│線上講座
Flag_AU icon AU Flag_CA icon CA Flag_IE icon IE Flag_NZ icon NZ Flag_GB icon GB Flag_US icon US 線上活動 Banqiao,Hsinchu,Kaohsiung,Taichung,Tainan,Taipei,Taoyuan, Taiwan 7th Jun 2024 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM 更多資訊

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