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Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Conjoint - Geographic Information Science


New Zealand




NZ$259,457  (2024)


6 Year(s)


24 February 2025



A BHSc/LLB(Hons) conjoint allows you to complete a BHSc and the LLB(Hons) in less time, and with fewer points, than it would take to complete the two degrees separately. Scientists are exploring and addressing the challenges confronting society in the 21st century, and today’s lawmakers are underpinning these discoveries with legislation on climate change, genetics, biotechnology and much more. As new developments continuously push the frontiers of what we know and understand about the world, there’s an increasing demand for legal professionals with expertise in science – and scientists who have the confidence to navigate the complex legal processes associated with their research. BSc/LLB(Hons) conjoint graduates are well-positioned for a wide range of careers in science and law. An honours degree from the University of Auckland Law School is well-respected. In addition to the transferable skills and knowledge gained from the LLB programme, honours graduates will have demonstrated advanced research and writing skills. This will increase their suitability for a range of research and policy jobs. If you have an aptitude for science, a conjoint BSc/LLB(Hons) degree offers an excellent opportunity to construct a programme of study that can lead to a career in environmental law, intellectual property law, or science. This could include the fields of biotechnology, information technology and forensic science.

Study the data structures and techniques that are used to capture, process and visualise geographic information. If you’ve ever dropped a pin into Google maps, or found the shortest route using the public transport network, then you’ve engaged with Geographic Information Science (GIScience). New in 2019, this subject is the study of the data structures and techniques used to capture, process and visualise geographic information.


  • 課程總長: 6 Year(s)
  • 費用: NZ$259,457
In學年take 位置
Semester 1 (February), 2025 Auckland
Semester 1 (February), 2025 Grafton
Semester 1 (February), 2026 Auckland
Semester 1 (February), 2026 Grafton

Entry requirements for 奧克蘭大學

Entry is by invitation for high-achieving Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (BSc/LLB) Part II students.
To be considered for the Honours programme in Law, you must achieve a B+ average or higher across all your Law courses at the completion of LLB Part II during your BSc/LLB. (This is usually at the end of your third year.)
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level. You must have completed a minimum of three A-Level subjects with at least an ABB grade. General Studies or similar general papers cannot be included.
IELTS (Academic) - Overall score of 6.0 and no bands below 5.5
Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) - Overall score of 80 and a writing score of 21
Paper-based TOEFL - Overall score of 60 and a writing score of 21

English language requirements

托福(TOEFL iBT)總分: 80.0




  • 職業發展
  • If you aren’t eligible for the above entry requirements, you might want to explore pathway options at 奧克蘭大學. If you want to find out more, please speak to our counsellors.




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