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Doctor of Medicine in Medicine


New Zealand




3 Year(s)


12 December 2024



Medicine is the general term used to describe what doctors do to assist you to care for your health and well-being. Medical doctors prevent, diagnose, treat, and cure illness, injury, and disease, and provide health care whenever required. Doctors choose to work in one role or a combination of many roles including clinical medicine (patient care in general practice, surgery, psychiatry, paediatrics, and many more), medical research, teaching, and administration (in hospitals, medical schools, and government ministries). There is no denying the hours worked by doctors are long and the need for continuing study is demanding. But the role of a doctor is rewarding and there is potential for great personal satisfaction.
Medicine is a scientific, research- and evidence-based profession, which covers many areas of specialisation, including general practice, public health and hospital-based specialities, such as surgery, psychiatry, cardiology, and many more. If you are considering a career in Medicine, you should be prepared for lifelong learning to maintain your practising standards. Society expects a high level of technical competence. Patients expect to be treated with patience, kindness and humanity. Ethical behaviour and rapport with people are necessary so patients can trust you with problems of their body and mind.


  • 課程總長: 3 Year(s)
  • 費用: 無法取得
In學年take 位置
Open intake available until (December), 2024 Dunedin
Open intake available until (December), 2025 Dunedin
Open intake available until (December), 2026 Dunedin

Entry requirements for 奧塔哥大學

A candidate must apply for admission1 to the degree by submitting the following in the first instance:
a curriculum vitae,
an abstract and/or brief description of the work including a list of the published original contributions upon which the application is based, and
a statutory declaration identifying the submitted work as original and stating that it has not previously been accepted for another qualification at any university or equivalent institution. Where co-authored work is submitted those parts which are a candidate’s own work should be identified, whereupon the University will review and advise if a case for the award of the degree exists.
Where the case for an award exists, every candidate shall submit a digital copy of the work2 upon which the application is based together with a narrative summary of the body of work of 5000-10000 words, which clearly describes the impact of the work or contribution to the relevant discipline or area of practice, and the required entry fee.
In exceptional circumstances, and with the prior approval of the Senate, unpublished material may be submitted as part of the work.
Additional work, published or unpublished, may be submitted as appendices in support of the application.

IELTS (Academic) - Overall score of 6.5, no individual band below 6.0.
TOEFL iBT - Overall score of 90 and a writing score of 21.

English language requirements

托福(TOEFL iBT)總分: 90.0




  • 職業發展
  • If you aren’t eligible for the above entry requirements, you might want to explore pathway options at 奧塔哥大學. If you want to find out more, please speak to our counsellors.




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