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B.A./M.A.I. - Engineering - Electronic and Computer Engineering






5 Year(s)


09 September 2024



Organising both hardware (electronic) and software (computer) components into a useful and productive system is the principal job of the electronic and computer engineer. With a unique combination of both skillsets, such an engineer is trained to lead product design that requires both critical hardware and software expertise. The fundamental skillset of an engineer in this specialty is a capacity to apply mathematical analysis to design problems and the ability to exploit and adapt software workflows.
This degree option blends aspects of both the Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering options into one course. You will be given a foundation in how analogue and digital electronic circuits work, delve into how information is coded and transmitted across noisy channels (such as the radio links used in mobile phone networks and satellite communication) and learn how these complex channels can be crafted into worldwide networks, such as the Internet – on which we all depend. On the computing side, you will learn how the basic analogue and digital circuits combine to form complex processors (CPUs), how these are programmed at machine level (assembly language) and how operating systems (such as Linux and Windows) make the machine capabilities accessible for high-level application programmers.

By the time you get to the fourth year, you are ready to undertake a major individual Capstone project or you can opt to take an internship with an employer in the computing and electronics industries (multi-national, local company or startup). You can choose from a range of modules exploring how computers can render complex graphics, how they can see and understand video images and how this can be used with headset hardware for augmented reality. You can further explore how hackers break into computer systems and how to defend against attack. Students will also have the opportunity to choose specialist telecommunications and signal processing modules. There may also be the opportunity to undertake a placement in industry or with a research group or to spend some time studying abroad through the Unitech, Erasmus or Cluster programmes.


  • 課程總長: 5 Year(s)
  • 費用: 無法取得
In學年take 位置
Fall (September), 2024 Dublin
Fall (September), 2025 Dublin

Entry requirements for 都柏林聖三一大學

CAO Points Required 487 (2018). The standard matriculation requirements are pass grades in English, Mathematics, a language other than English, and a full set of valid subjects for your examination system. International Baccalaureate: English A1, A2 or B: 5 at Higher Level (4 at either Level if presenting IB through English). TOEFL: Internet based 90 (with a written score of 21). IELTS: (Academic version) 6.5 (no individual band below 6).

English language requirements

托福(TOEFL iBT)總分: 90.0




  • 職業發展
  • If you aren’t eligible for the above entry requirements, you might want to explore pathway options at 都柏林聖三一大學. If you want to find out more, please speak to our counsellors.




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