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Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology- Cancer Biology


United States




US$88,740  (2024)


6 Semester(s)


17 October 2024



Despite recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, tumor cell progression and metastasis constitute a major cause of morbidity and mortality in cancer patients. Understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that contribute to tumor formation, progression and metastasis is a major challenge in cancer research.
Members of the Cancer Biology Track of MICaB graduate program utilize a multidisciplinary approach to study cancer. Research opportunities in many of the faculty laboratories address the genetics and biology of tumor formation, progression, invasion and metastasis. Faculty laboratories also focus on the development of new cancer therapies including developing new inhibitors of angiogenesis, improving immune-based therapies, and studying novel compounds that can inhibit the growth and/or survival of malignant tumors.

A major area of research emphasis in the Cancer Biology Track is the relationship between genetic changes and biochemical signaling pathways in the development of cancer. Recent years have witnessed an explosion of information regarding how external signals (e.g., growth factors) bind to cell surface receptors and subsequently transduce biochemical signals that ultimately lead to changes in cell survival, proliferation, differentiation, resistance/sensitivity to apoptosis, migration and invasion.


  • 課程總長: 6 Semester(s)
  • 費用: US$88,740
In學年take 位置
Fall (October), 2024 Minneapolis
Fall (October), 2025 Minneapolis

Entry requirements for 明尼蘇達大學

Applicants must have a bachelor's degree (BS preferred).
Required courses include calculus, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. A minimum of two upper-level biology courses, which may include biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, molecular biology, microbiology, or immunology, etc., are also required.
Research experience is required. Relevant undergraduate experience includes honors thesis work, paid or volunteer work in a research laboratory and summer internships. It does not include laboratory courses that accompany science courses such as biology. Postbaccalaureate research experience is preferred but not required.
The program evaluates applications based on four equally weighted criteria: academics, letters (3) of recommendation, a personal statement, and research experience. We do not accept or require GRE scores. Letters of recommendation from research advisers or mentors are preferred as these individuals can comment knowledgeably on the student's potential in biomedical research. Applicants' personal statements should describe their research in general and their specific contribution to it, their rationale for seeking a doctoral degree, and any information they wish to share regarding their backgrounds and interest in the MICaB Program. Finally, applicants should provide specific details of their research experiences (project titles, mentors, dates, locations, etc.), along with a list of relevant abstracts, publications, etc.

Internet Based - Total Score: 96
Paper Based - Total Score: 600
Total Score: 7.0

English language requirements

托福(TOEFL iBT)總分: 96.0

下一個申請期限 01 November 2024





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