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DePaul University - a learning experience

I chose DePaul University because of the number of classes it offers and the ability to customise my degree. I love my course as I can learn a lot about new tools that I can implement in my career.

There are a lot of volunteering opportunities and work experience at DePaul University. I get to learn a lot about different careers and have hands-on experience both in and out of the classroom.

The university also brings in guest speakers and takes its students for company visits. I have the opportunity to visit Google this year with a guest speaker.

How IDP helped me with my application

My counsellor was really helpful and on every step of the application process, I always knew everything that was going on.

My counsellor gave me a lot of information about other schools as well so that I could choose the right university.

IDP made sure that I found the right place to fit in with my personality, score, and experience. IDP also helped me with the visa application.

25% Scholarship

I wanted to study at DePaul University and the scholarship I have received makes it easier for me.

I worked hard on my grades and ensured that I studied well for the tests. I am glad it paid off.

I think I got the scholarship because I have volunteered for a lot of different things like social service. All of this added to my skill set.

My extra-curricular activities

I attend various marketing events. These events offer great learning opportunities and are also wonderful platforms to network with people from other fields.

I also participate in community service during the spring break to support the homeless.

Life in Chicago

In Chicago, there is a lot to choose from. I like to hang out with my friends and go to museums or restaurants. Because I can find a lot of good Thai food it feels a bit like home for me.


I completed a Msc in international business in France. Where in the UK could I do a PhD in international business?
by Purushothama
It's best to send your research proposal to universities directly or apply for scholarships via private and university funding bodies.
Are PTE scores accepted for studying in Australia?
by geetu
Yes, PTE scores are accepted by Australian Universities along with other English proficiency tests such as IELTS and TOEFL.
What are my university accommodation options in Australia?
by priyadharshini
Universities have on-campus accommodation options but you can also book shared apartments off-campus.

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