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What is the cost of living in New Zealand for international students?

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What is the cost of living in New Zealand for international students?

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    Answered by

    University of Auckland

    University of Auckland


    So for the cost of living, this for sure varies for everyone. It depends on their lifestyle choices. And of course, the big spender, I would say is rent. So rent will cost you about 200 to 400 dollars a week and also depends on the place. So for me, I try to spend around a thousand two hundred to thousand five hundred in a month.

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    Answered by

    IDP Education

    IDP Education


    Cost of living for international students in New Zealand is fifteen thousand New Zealand dollars for the whole year.

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    Answered by

    University of Canterbury

    University of Canterbury


    Kia Ora! International students usually have the budget around 15 to 20 thousand per year for your living expense fee, which normally includes your accommodation, your food, entertainment, transportation and all this is possible if you're in the city like Christchurch, which is one of New Zealand's most affordable city. Now, you can also work part time up to 20 hours per week and full time during your holidays.

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    Answered by

    IDP Education

    IDP Education


    According to New Zealand universities, if the student is enrolling in South Island, then the living cost's approximately 15000 to 20000 New Zealand dollars. But if students enroll in North Island, then the living cost's approximately 18000 to 25000 New Zealand dollars.

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    Answered by

    IDP Education

    IDP Education


    The estimated living cost in New Zealand is about twenty thousand New Zealand dollars per year.

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    Answered by

    The University of Waikato

    The University of Waikato


    What is the cost of living in New Zealand? Well, New Zealand generally is a cheaper study destination than other countries such as Australia or the UK when it comes to living costs. But if you live in a big city such as Auckland, then your rent is going to be much higher compared to somewhere like Hamilton, where the University of Waikato is located. And then, of course, the second aspect is your style of living. So if you prefer more luxury or a more basic style of living.

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